Embed your
NFT collection
on your website.

Showcase your NFTs on your personal website,
Notion, Yat, Carrd, Linktr.ee, and more!

Support via Ξ ETH

Thanks for checking out Niftycase! Let us know if you have any bugs, feedback, or feature requests!Send feedback

Detlef & Matt Welter

Creators of Niftycase

Create your Niftycase

Enter your Ethereum address below.

Embed preview

Embed code

Code for <iframe>

<iframe src="https://mattwelter.github.io/niftycase/?addr=0x6C4cb3C4Da1CdC4B7B1F41099F6eacbd82D8F2d2" style="top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; border: none; overflow: hidden;"></iframe>

Embed link for Notion


Frequently Asked Questions

How to use

How can I embed this into my website?

Copy the 'Code for <iframe>' code & paste it into your site's code!

How can I embed this into my Notion document?

Copy the 'Embed link for Notion' code, paste it into your Notion document & click 'Embed link'

Will Niftycase show all my NFTs?

Niftycase will only show the most recent 20 NFTs. If there were any more, the Niftycase navigation would be broken on mobile.


Is Niftycase open source?

Yes! Hosted on Github

Is this free?


Are there different gallery styles?

Not yet! Still working on a few different styles.


Will this work with my ENS domain?

Nope, still working on it. For now, use your eth addess.

Will this work with Yat?

Not yet, currently trying to work with the team!

Will this work with Linktree, linkbio, or other similar services?

Not yet, currently trying to figure that out!

Made with  by @mattwelter